Jerry's Notes

ASBR Review - Robot Kinematics

Word count: 94Reading time: 1 min

Robot Kinematics

2D Rotation

Rotation matrix from frame B to frame A:
$${}^AR_B=\begin{bmatrix}\cos\theta&-\sin\theta\\sin\theta&\cos\theta\end{bmatrix}, ,, {}^AR_B\in SO(2)$$
$SO(2)$ is 2D Special Orthogonal Group, which has these properties:

  1. $det(R)=+1$
  2. $R\cdot R^T=I$

2D Rigid Motion

A point $\overset\rightharpoonup p$’s coordinate transformation from frame B to frame A:
$${}^A\overset\rightharpoonup p={}^AR_B\cdot{}^B\overset\rightharpoonup p+{}^A\overset\rightharpoonup t_B$$

Homogeous Coordinates

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