Zijian Wu

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I am an first-year Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. student at the University of British Columbia. My advisor is Prof. Tim Salcudean. Before that, I obtained my Robotics M.S.E. at Johns Hopkins University and B.E. in Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), in 2023 and 2020, respectively. I am interested in robotics, medical image analytics and AI for healthcare. My vision is to create a computer-integrated surgical (CIS) system enabling robots to perceive special surgical or medical scenarios and to decide rational actions for clinical tasks. My current research focuses on medical computer vision (tissue tracking and mapping) and teleoperation. I am lucky to work as a Machine Learning Intern at Moon Surgical in 2023 summer. We build things that matter!

E-mail: zwu52@jhu.edu         Links: GitHub | Blog | Resume


  1. Zijian Wu*, Hamid Moradi*, Shoujue Yang, Hyunwoo Song, Emad M. Boctor, Septimiu E. Salcudean, "Automatic Search for Photoacoustic Marker Using Automated Transrectal Ultrasound", Biomedical Optics Express. [Link]

  2. Vincent Vousten*, Hamid Moradi*, Zijian Wu, Emad M. Boctor, Septimiu E. Salcudean, "Laser Diode Photoacoustic Point Source Detection: Machine learning-based Denoising and Reconstruction", Optics Express. [Link]

  3. Roger Soberanis, Zijian Wu, Keith Kleinman, Cody Cross, Brittany-Lee Smith, Mathias Unberath, Therese Canares, "A Novel Method to Screen for Urinary Tract Infections with Artificial Intelligence and Smartphone Images", Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting 2023. (Poster)

  4. Hyunwoo Song*, Shuojue Yang*, Zijian Wu, Hamid Moradi, Russell H. Taylor, Jin U. Kang, Septimiu E. Salcudean, Emad M. Boctor, "Arc-to-line Frame Registration Method for Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Image-guided Intraoperative Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. (IPCAI 2023 Best Paper Runner-up) [Link]

Note: * indicates the equal contribution.

Work Experience

  • Research Intern 06/2022 ~ 08/2022

    ARCADE Lab, JHU, with Prof. Mathias Unberath Baltimore, MD, U.S.
  • Research Assistant 08/2020 ~ 07/2021

    Vision Measuring and Learning Lab, School of Automation Engineering, UESTC Chengdu, China

Open Source Project

  • PyHealth: A Deep Learning Toolkit For Healthcare Applications, [GitHub] 05/2023 ~ Present

  • UIUC, with Zhenbang Wu and Prof. Jimeng Sun, et al.

